Scotty was the regular pilot for Air Scouts for many, many years. I flew with him on a number of occasions and would agree with Captainsurfcaster that he was a bit intimidating. However, he got to know some of us 'regulars' and was always very helpful and free with information about flying.
In Scouting he became and remained for many years Assistant County Commissioner (Air Scouts) and would always attend - in uniform - when we were undergoing our 'Air Ministry Recognition' inspection. He died not that long ago and he must have been quite old by then.
The T.E Scott-Chard Centre at Biggin Hill is quite impressive and they now have a Comet procedures simulator (no motion) with quite impressive visual displays and a 'real' cockpit. I landed it first time out which, I was told, was not at all easy. Beginneers luck, probaably.

I should, perhaps, explain that I am
still a Scout Leader, although my old Air Scout Troop is long gone.