Aviation Nostalgia

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Tonka71 15th November 2010 18:55

Would be good for us allto get together at some point for a good natter and grab a few pics.:cool::)

Chris G6 UXU 29th January 2011 11:08

Me and Alan Audiman M6 AEN have bought a Canon 100x400mm lens apiece with the 2x extender so we can not wait now for the weather to warm up a bit to try them out.

Chris G6 UXU 12th December 2012 15:49

Martin HS-TRA as also bought a 100x400mm Canon lens and we both use them all the time now and find them a superb bit of kit, but Martin is more of a dab hand with them than me.

Chris G6 UXU 25th February 2013 18:38

I use my 100x400mm every day now to take shots and I must admit to rating it very highly, but Martin is an absolute expert with his, he as taken some cracking action and still shots with it.

springs branch mickey 3rd October 2013 12:22

I also have this superb lens, which I use mainly for railway shots at this moment.

Chris G6 UXU 5th January 2014 09:11

I have also purchased a Canon L series 70-300mm which is a good all rounder. I use it for everything IE aircraft, trucks and trains and also for my bird photography.

Chris G6 UXU 30th January 2016 10:32

I still use my Canon L series 70-300mm every day for my aviation shots and wildlife shots and rate it very highly and it is light enough to carry around.

springs branch mickey 30th January 2016 11:34

I've never owned one of those.

K9-70 15th September 2019 08:36

Reading the previous messages, looks like I'm the odd man out, lol.
My current set up as follows, Nikon D800, Nikon D300s, Nikkor 70/300G, Nikkor 70/300D, and Nikkor 80/400D. As wel as the current set up, I also have various Nikkor small lens, and serval Nikon film cameras.

Chris G6 UXU 15th September 2019 09:06

You have got a great set up there Wilson, I do not know much about Nikon I have always used Canon but a lot of my mates use Nikon and like you take fantastic shots. I am just waiting for the Canon 90D to come on the market and I might just treat myself to one fingers crossed.

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