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G-CPTN 7th February 2011 22:47

I can understand disposing of uncompleted aircraft, but one that was intact and flying should have been mothballed somewhere in a museum.
I'm not suggesting that it should be kept operational (I presume that it was never handed over to the RAF) but FFS it's a treasure!

G-CPTN 7th February 2011 22:52


Tonka71 8th February 2011 21:57

ZJ516 was based at warton for test purposes,i have got quite a few shots of it in flight from there as was ZJ517 and ZJ518 and as far as i know ZJ514 is hangared there as well.

Chris G6 UXU 8th February 2011 22:35

Evening Chris, are they being flown to Woodford for scrapping there, or are they going to do it at Warton ?

Tonka71 9th February 2011 18:16

517 has already been cut up,516 and 518 are still parked on the flight ramp at woodford.I would imagine they'll cut 514 up at warton.:cool:

Chris G6 UXU 9th February 2011 22:28

Thanks Chris, we will be having another trip over shortly weather permitting.

Chris G6 UXU 15th February 2011 22:21

I believe two more have been taken outside for scrapping, I only know that 520 was one of them.

Tonka71 16th February 2011 20:52

ZJ521 was the other.:cool:

Chris G6 UXU 16th February 2011 22:42

Thanks Chris, have you any idea how many are left ?

Tonka71 17th February 2011 20:21

ZJ515 ZJ516 ZJ518 All at woodford

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