View Full Version : Plymouth City Airport to close in December 2011

28th April 2011, 18:03
It has been announced that the current operator of Plymouth City Airport will be closing the airport down as of December this year. The local council are trying to find an alternative operator for the airport. Financial reasons, including APD, have been cited for the closure...

http://www.ttglive.com/c/portal/layout?p_l_id=3208370&CMPI_SHARED_articleId=4674402&CMPI_SHARED_ImageArticleId=4674402&CMPI_SHARED_articleIdRelated=4674402&CMPI_SHARED_ToolsArticleId=4674402&CMPI_SHARED_CommentArticleId=4674402&articleTitle=APD%20blamed%20for%20airport%20closur e%20as%20taxman%20collects%20more%20cash