View Full Version : Are there any old jet types that you wish were still in service?

27th April 2011, 19:17
I guess that we all have our old favourites that are no longer in service.

Mine would be Concorde, Trident, Comet 4, B727, DC10, Tristar...

Concorde...well apart from her being the most beautiful bird ever built, she was just an amazing aircraft, way ahead of her time...even at the time of her demise.

Trident...the staple of package holidays when I was a youngster, loved the backwards facing seats and being able to see where I had been instead of where I was going. Surprisingly comfy, if a tad noisy.

Comet 4...flew in these with Dan Air many times (along with B727's), lovely old birds, like Concorde in many respects..ahead of their time and quite beautiful to look at too.

B727....the workhorse, not the prettiest bird in the sky but one that seemed to be able to get almost anywhere, fondly remembered when going on holiday to Tenerife with Dan Air as a youngster...even if they did petrify my mother ;)

DC10 & Tristar...two much maligned & much misunderstood beauties, clunky & chunky but oh so comfy compared to many of the modern widebodies, and quiet too.

So...what are your oldie favourites & why?

Chris G6 UXU
27th April 2011, 19:49
Evening Ally, I would love to have seen Richard Branson get his hands on Concorde and still be flying under his control, he would have made it pay.

27th April 2011, 19:52
Evening Ally, I would love to have seen Richard Branson get his hands on Concorde and still be flying under his control, he would have made it pay.

If anyone could have got Concorde back into the sky where she belongs its Branson. I too wish that he had managed to wrestle a couple of them from either BA or Air France, to see her flying in VA livery would have been brilliant :)

30th April 2011, 19:26
I suspect that Concorde was rather like the RY Britannia - superficially OK but underlyingly obsolete (as far as instrumentation is concerned).

Shame, though, I would still like to see them flying.

The Avgasdinosaur
17th February 2014, 18:15
Please can I have a Comet flying and a VC or SVC 10.
"I've been very very good"
Be lucky

Chris G6 UXU
30th January 2016, 10:48
You can go and have a meal next to Concorde in it's hangar at Ringways viewing park Manchester Airport, the meals are very good and affordable, I have been quite a few times now.